25 Things Every Man Should Know?

1. Patch a radiator hose
2. Protect your computer
3. Rescue a boater who has capsized
4. Frame a wall
5. Retouch digital photos
6. Back up a trailer
7. Build a campfire
8. Fix a dead outlet
9. Navigate with a map and compass
10. Use a torque wrench
11. Sharpen a knife
12. Perform CPR
13. Fillet a fish
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid
15. Get a car unstuck
16. Back up data
17. Paint a room
18. Mix concrete
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle
20. Change oil and filter
21. Hook up an HDTV
22. Bleed brakes
23. Paddle a canoe
24. Fix a bike flat
25. Extend your wireless network
What an odd list. About half of the items I could have guessed, but HDTV? I doubt John Wayne could have spelled HDTV. Digital photos? 100-pound geeks in their mom’s basements spend hours “enhancing” their myspace photos to make them look like they can lift the 45-pound bar off the bench. I just don’t get it. What is the link between men and technology? I don’t see it. I do think that being somewhat computer and tech savvy is a must for living in the 21st century, but not for being a man.
However, a few I totally agree on. Rescue a boater… picture that and you picture a real man. Frame a wall, back up a trailer, get a car unstuck, paint a room, use a map, change the oil… couldn’t agree more. Those are the things that men are supposed to do and I don‘t see them going away anytime soon. But I think there are key things left out.
How about drive a stick?
How about put up a tent?
How about use a chainsaw?
How about throw a punch?
How about seduce a woman?
Real men from Clint Eastwood circa 1960 to 2008-version Brad Pitt can do those things.
Still, the aspect of the list that bothers me most isn’t the things that I don’t think should be on there, or the things left off. What gets me are those things that are rightly on the list that I can’t do. I can’t filet a fish (but I can order a Filet-O-Fish). I’m terrible at driving trailers. I’ve never bled brake lines in my life, but I have changed brake pads twice. Honestly, there are half a dozen things on this list I can’t do. Just can’t. What I get from this list is that I’m not there yet. There are still manly areas to conquer. Does that mean I’m not a real man yet? I’d like to think the fact that I’m mostly there, and trying to get there counts for something.
Labels: guy, guy knowledge, man laws, popular mechanics, what guys should know